\name{autoGate} \alias{autoGate} \title{ Automated gating of single populations in 2D} \description{ This function tries to fit a single norm2Filter based on a rough preselection of the data. This function is considered internal. Please use the API provided by \code{\link{lymphGate}}. } \usage{ autoGate(x, \dots, scale = 2.5) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}}} \item{\dots}{ Named arguments or a list of the ranges used for the initial rough preselection. This gets passed on to \code{\link[flowCore]{rectangleGate}}, see it's documentation for details. } \item{scale}{ The \code{scale} parameter that gets passed on to \code{\link[flowCore:norm2Filter-class]{norm2Filter}}. } } \details{ The \code{flowSet} is first filtered using a \code{rectangleGate} and the \code{norm2Filter} is subsequently fitted to the remaining subset. } \value{ A list with items: \item{x }{The filtered \code{flowSet}. } \item{n2gate }{The \code{norm2Filter} object. } \item{n2gateResults }{The \code{\link[flowCore:filterResult-class]{filterResult}} after applying the \code{norm2Filter} on the \code{flowSet}. } } \author{ Florian Hahne } \seealso{ \code{\link{lymphGate}}, \code{\link[flowCore:norm2Filter-class]{norm2Filter}} } \examples{ data(GvHD) flowStats:::autoGate(GvHD[10:15], "FSC-H"=c(100,500), "SSC-H"=c(0, 400)) } \keyword{misc}