\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,flowMerge} \alias{plot,flowObj} \title{ Methods for plotting flowMerge and flowObj classes } \description{ Plots all possible two-dimensional projections of the parameters in a \code{flowMerge} or \code{flowObj} object and does not require specification of the \code{flowFrame} since a pointer to the data is stored in the object. Informative axis names are used, rather than the usual FL1/FL2/FS/SS channel names. This funciton can take most of the usual additional arguments provided to \code{plot} for the \code{flowClust} package, although some, like the axis names and the \code{data} are fixed. In order for \code{flowMerge} objects to display outliers correctly with \code{plot} (following merging), the \code{updateU} method must be called on them first. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "flowMerge", y = "missing"}{ \code{x} is a \code{flowMerge} object. } \item{x = "flowObj", y = "missing"}{ \code{x} is a \code{flowObj} object. } }} \examples{ data(rituximab) data(RituximabFlowClustFit) o<-flowObj(flowClust.res[[which.max(flowMerge:::BIC(flowClust.res))]],rituximab); m<-merge(o); i<-fitPiecewiseLinreg(m); m<-m[[i]]; plot(m,pch=20,level=0.9); } \seealso{\link[flowClust]{flowClust}} \keyword{methods}