\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,flowFP,flowFrame-method} \alias{plot,flowFP,flowSet-method} \alias{plot,flowFP,missing-method} \alias{plot,flowFPModel,flowFrame-method} \alias{plot,flowFPModel,flowSet-method} \alias{plot,flowFPModel,missing-method} \alias{plot,flowFPPlex,missing-method} \title{ Methods for visualizing flowFP objects} \description{ These methods allow the user to plot flowFP objects with a number of options. } \section{Methods}{ \code{plot (x, y, ...)} \describe{ \item{\code{x = "flowFPModel", y = "missing"}}{ Visualize a \code{flowFPModel}.\cr Optional Args: \code{(parameters=NULL, alpha=1, border="gray", showbins=1:nFeatures(x), ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, main="Model", ...)}} \item{\code{x = "flowFPModel", y = "flowFrame"}}{ Visualize a \code{flowFPModel} along with a \code{flowFrame}.\cr Optional Args: \code{(parameters=NULL, alpha=1, border="gray", showbins=1:nFeatures(x), ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, main="Model", ...)}} \item{\code{x = "flowFPModel", y = "flowSet"}}{ Visualize a \code{flowFPModel} along with a \code{flowSet}.\cr Optional Args: \code{(parameters=NULL, alpha=1, border="gray", showbins=1:nFeatures(x), ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, main="Model", ...)}} \item{\code{x = "flowFP", y = "missing"}}{ Visualize Fingerprints.\cr Optional Args: \code{(type=c("tangle", "stack", "grid", "qc", "plate"), ...) }\cr See Notes for additional details.} \item{\code{x = "flowFP", y = "flowFrame"}}{ Visualize a single fingerprint with a \emph{flowFrame}. See Notes. } \item{\code{x = "flowFP", y = "flowSet"}}{ Visualize Fingerprints with a \emph{flowSet}.\cr Optional Args: \code{(x, y, showbins=NULL, showfp=TRUE, ...)}} \item{\code{x = "flowFPPlex", y = "missing"}}{ Visualize Fingerprints in a \emph{flowFPPlex}.\cr Optional Args: \code{(type=c("tangle", "stack", "grid","qc", "plate"), ...)} } }} \section{Arguments}{ \describe{ \item{\code{parameters}}{Flow parameters involved in fingerprinting.} \item{\code{showbins}}{Which bins to render. May be an integer, list of integers, or boolean. Default: 1:nFeatures(x).} \item{\code{showfp}}{Boolean. Do we want to see the fingerprints (\emph{TRUE}) or just the parameter plot (\emph{FALSE}).} \item{\code{xlim}}{Range of values for the x-axis. Default: range of the data.} \item{\code{ylim}}{Range of values for the y-axis. Default: range of the data.} \item{\code{type}}{Specify the type of plot. Current values supported are: \dQuote{tangle}, \dQuote{stack}, \dQuote{grid}, \dQuote{qc}, \dQuote{plate}.} \item{\code{transformation}}{Specify transformation. Values may be: \dQuote{raw}, \dQuote{normalized}, \dQuote{log2norm}} \item{\code{useClasses}}{Boolean. Colors lines by sampleClass. Default=\emph{FALSE}.} \item{\code{linecols}}{Specify color(s) for fingerprint lines. Default = \sQuote{black}. When used in conjunction with \code{useClasses}, this can be a list of colors whose length matches the number of levels in the \code{sampleClasses} factor object.} \item{\code{alpha}}{Opacity of rectangles representing bins.} \item{\code{border}}{Color to draw the border of a bin. Default: `gray'.} \item{\code{highlight}}{Which fingerprints to highlight. Default=\code{1:length(x)}.} \item{\code{main}}{Title for the plot. Default: various.} \item{\code{xlab}}{Label for the x-axis.} \item{\code{vert_scale}}{Sets the vertical scale for some plots.} \item{\code{respect}}{Boolean. If \emph{TRUE}, respect a square aspect ratio.} \item{\code{method}}{Determine QC metric for fingerprint deviation. Either \code{sd} (standard deviation) or \code{max} (maximum deviation).} \item{\code{red_limit}}{Value corresponding to a red color for the QC metric.} \item{\code{...}}{Other parameters passed through to generic \code{plot}.} }} \section{Notes}{ \describe{ \item{\emph{In conjunction with showbins:}}{generic plot args such as \code{pch} and \code{cex} can be used to visualize events in specific bins.} \item{\emph{For type=\dQuote{tangle} methods:}}{ Optional Args: \code{(transformation=c("raw", "normalized", "log2norm"), linecols=NULL, highlight=NULL, ylim=NULL, useClasses=FALSE, main="Fingerprints", xlab='Feature Index', ...)}} \item{\emph{For type=\dQuote{stack} methods:}}{ Optional Args: \code{(transformation=c("raw", "normalized", "log2norm"), linecols=NULL, useClasses=FALSE, vert_scale=3, ylim=NULL, main="Fingerprints",...)}} \item{\emph{For type=\dQuote{grid} methods:}}{ Optional Args: \code{(vert_scale=3, main="Fingerprints", linecols="black", transformation=c("raw", "normalized", "log2norm"), respect=FALSE)}} \item{\emph{For type=\dQuote{qc} methods:}}{ Optional Args: \code{(main="Fingerprint Deviation Plot", transformation=c("log2norm", "raw", "normalized"), vert_scale=3, method=c("sd", "max"), red_limit=1.0, respect=FALSE)}} \item{\emph{For type=\dQuote{plate} methods:}}{ Optional Args: \code{(main="Fingerprint Deviation Plot", transformation=c("log2norm", "raw", "normalized"), vert_scale=3, method=c("sd", "max"), red_limit=1.0)}} }} \keyword{methods}