\name{fs2} \alias{fs2} \docType{data} \title{Example FCS flowSet} \description{ An example FCS flowSet. } \usage{data(fs2)} \format{ This is an object of class \emph{flowSet} composed of 7 \emph{flowFrames}. } \details{ The \emph{flowSet} corresponds to a Leukemia/Lymphoma panel for a sample. Each \emph{flowFrame} correponds to one tube. The first one is an isotype control, and the rest are stained with different antibody cocktails. Parameter 5 (FL3 Log) is notable in that it is CD45-ECD for all of the tubes. This makes it possible to gate the entire collection of tubes using CD45 vs SSC. In this set, the CD45 vs SSC distribution in Tube 5 differs significantly as compared with the other tubes. column names: FS Lin SS Log FL1 Log FL2 Log FL3 Log FL4 Log FL5 Log } \source{ Data were generously provided by Clarient, Inc. } \references{ W.T. Rogers and H. A. Holyst, \dQuote{flowFP: A Bioconductor Package for Fingerprinting Flow Cytometric Data}, \emph{Submitted to: Advances in Bioinformatics, April 1, 2009}. } \examples{ data(fs2) } \keyword{datasets}