\name{fs1} \alias{fs1} \docType{data} \title{Example FCS flowSet} \description{ An example FCS flowSet. } \usage{data(fs1)} \format{ This is an object of class \emph{flowSet} composed of 7 \emph{flowFrames}. } \details{ The \emph{flowSet} corresponds to a Leukemia/Lymphoma panel for a sample. Each \emph{flowFrame} correponds to one tube. The first one is an isotype control, and the rest are stained with different antibody cocktails. Parameter 5 (FL3 Log) is notable in that it is CD45-ECD for all of the tubes. This makes it possible to gate the entire collection of tubes using CD45 vs SSC. This set has a very similar distribution of CD45 vs SSC across all 7 tubes. column names: FS Lin SS Log FL1 Log FL2 Log FL3 Log FL4 Log FL5 Log } \source{ Data were generously provided by Clarient, Inc. } \references{ W.T. Rogers and H. A. Holyst, \dQuote{flowFP: A Bioconductor Package for Fingerprinting Flow Cytometric Data}, \emph{Submitted to: Advances in Bioinformatics, April 1, 2009}. } \examples{ data(fs1) } \keyword{datasets}