\name{flowFP-class} \docType{class} \alias{flowFP-class} \title{Fingerprint class description.} \description{ This class represents fingerprints generated from a model derived from a \link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame} or \link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are created by calling the constructor \link{flowFP}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{counts}:}{This matrix is organized such that rows correspond to individual \emph{flowFrame}s, and columns to the bins in the underlying \code{flowFPModel}. A matrix element thus represents the number of events in a single bin from a single \emph{flowFrame}. The sum of each row will equal the total number of events in the corresponding \emph{flowFrame}. } \item{\code{tags}:}{This list specifies the bin number to which each event is assigned. There is a list element for each instance in the object. Each list element is a integer vector whose length is the number of events in the corresponding \emph{flowFrame}. } \item{\code{sampleNames}:}{Names of instances, taken from the flowSet on construction.} \item{\code{sampleClasses}:}{Factor object describing the category of each instance. (e.g. "Normal" or "Diseased")} \item{\code{name}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{parameters}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{nRecursions}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{trainingSet}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{trainingSetParams}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{dequantize}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{split_val}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{split_axis}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{binBoundary}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{.cRecursions}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} \item{\code{.tmp_tags}:}{Inherited from \link{flowFPModel}.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \linkS4class{flowFPModel}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "flowFP", i = "ANY")}: ... } \item{counts}{\code{signature(object = "flowFP")}: ... } \item{length}{\code{signature(x = "flowFP")}: ... } \item{nbins}{\code{signature(object = "flowFP")}: ... } \item{sampleClasses}{\code{signature(object = "flowFP")}: ... } \item{tags}{\code{signature(object = "flowFP")}: ... } \item{show}{Shows the contents of the fingerprint object.} \item{summary}{Gives a summary of the fingerprint object.} } } \references{ M. Roederer, et. al. (2001) Probability Binning Comparison: A Metric for Quantitating Multivariate Distribution Differences, \emph{Cytometry} \bold{45}, 47-55. W. Rogers et. al. (2008) Cytometric Fingerprinting: Quantitative Characterization of Multivariate Distributions, \emph{Cytometry Part A} \bold{73}, 430-441. } \author{ Herb Holyst <\email{holyst@mail.med.upenn.edu}>, Wade Rogers <\email{rogersw@mail.med.upenn.edu}> } \seealso{ \link{flowFP}, \link{flowFPModel} } \examples{ # load a flowSet to use as an example. library(flowFP) data(fs1) model <- flowFPModel(fs1, parameters=c(4,5), nRecursions=6) fp <- flowFP(fs1, model) plot(fp) } \keyword{classes}