\name{ruleOutliers,flowClust-method} \docType{methods} \alias{ruleOutliers,flowClust-method} \alias{ruleOutliers,flowClustList-method} \alias{ruleOutliers.flowClust} \alias{ruleOutliers} \alias{ruleOutliers<-,flowClust,list-method} \alias{ruleOutliers<-,flowClustList,list-method} \alias{ruleOutliers<-} \title{Showing or Modifying the Rule used to Identify Outliers} \description{ This method shows or modifies the rule used to identify outliers. } \usage{ \S4method{ruleOutliers}{flowClust}(object) ruleOutliers(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object returned from \code{\link{flowClust}} or \code{\link[=tmixFilter]{filter}}.} \item{value}{A list object with one or more of the following named elements: \code{level}, \code{u.cutoff} and \code{z.cutoff}. Their interpretations are the same as those of the corresponding arguments in the \code{\link{flowClust}} function. Note that when both \code{level} and \code{u.cutoff} are missing, the rule set by the original value of \code{level} or \code{u.cutoff} will be unchanged rather than removed. Likewise, when \code{z.cutoff} is missing, the rule set by the original value of \code{z.cutoff} will be retained.} } \value{ The replacement method modifies \code{object@ruleOutliers} (or \code{object[[k]]@ruleOutliers} if \code{object} is of class \code{flowClustList} or \code{tmixFilterResultList}) AND updates the logical vector \code{object@flagOutliers} (or \code{object[[k]]@ruleOutliers}) according to the new rule. } \author{ Raphael Gottardo <\email{raph@stat.ubc.ca}>, Kenneth Lo <\email{c.lo@stat.ubc.ca}> } \references{ Lo, K., Brinkman, R. R. and Gottardo, R. (2008) Automated Gating of Flow Cytometry Data via Robust Model-based Clustering. \emph{Cytometry A} \bold{73}, 321-332. } \seealso{ \code{\link{flowClust}}, \code{\link[=tmixFilter]{filter}} } %\examples{ %} \keyword{manip}