\name{peaksDataset} \alias{peaksDataset-class} \alias{peaksDataset-show} \alias{peaksDataset-plot} \alias{peaksDataset} \alias{show,peaksDataset-method} \alias{plot,peaksDataset-method} \title{Data Structure for raw GCMS data and peak detection results} \description{Store the raw data and optionally, information regarding signal peaks for a number of GCMS runs} \usage{peaksDataset(fns=dir(,"[Cc][Dd][Ff]"),verbose=TRUE,mz=seq(50,550),rtDivide=60,rtrange=NULL)} \arguments{ \item{fns}{character vector, filenames of raw data in CDF format.} \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} then iteration progress information is output.} \item{mz}{vector giving bins of raw data table.} \item{rtDivide}{number giving the amount to divide the retention times by.} \item{rtrange}{retention time range to limit data to (must be \code{numeric} vector of length 2)} } \details{ peaksDataset is a hold-all data structure of the raw and peak detection data. } \value{ \code{peaksDataset} object } \author{Mark Robinson} \references{ Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne. } \examples{ require(gcspikelite) # paths and files gcmsPath<-paste(.find.package("gcspikelite"),"data",sep="/") cdfFiles<-dir(gcmsPath,"CDF",full=TRUE) eluFiles<-dir(gcmsPath,"ELU",full=TRUE) # read data pd<-peaksDataset(cdfFiles[1:2],mz=seq(50,550),rtrange=c(7.5,8.5)) show(pd) } \keyword{classes}