\name{rebind} \alias{rebind} \title{ Allocate a new external vector with external storage } \description{ This function allocates a new "externalVectorWithStorage" object with possibly new length, type, names, dimension or dimnames. } \usage{ rebind(x, length.x = length(x), type = x@storage@type, names.x = x@Names, dim.x = x@Dim, dimnames.x = x@DimNames, \dots, arrayOnly = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class "externalVectorWithStorage". } \item{length.x}{ New length. } \item{type}{ New type. } \item{names.x}{ New names. } \item{dim.x}{ New dimension. } \item{dimnames.x}{ New dimnames. } \item{\dots}{Other arguments passed to initializer of the class of \code{x}.} \item{arrayOnly}{ Just create the data part with no names, dimensions or dimnames. } } \value{ A new object of same class as \code{x}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{externalVectorWithStorage-class}} } \keyword{classes}