\name{nativeStorageMethods-class} \docType{class} \alias{nativeStorageMethods-class} \alias{allocatedSize,nativeStorageMethods-method} \alias{allocator,nativeStorageMethods-method} \alias{getPointer,nativeStorageMethods-method} \alias{initializeResource,nativeStorageMethods-method} \title{Class "nativeStorageMethods", class holding an external pointer to a C storeageMethods structure. } \description{ This simple class has only one purpose - holding an external pointer that contains a pointer to a C \code{storageMethods} structure. The memory for the C structure is allocated by the "gcAllocator" memory allocator. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("nativeStorageMethods", \dots)}. For details on how the \code{\dots} argument to \code{new} works, see documentation for the \code{"initialize"} method for class \code{"externalResource"}. The \code{ptr} slot in a newly created object contains pointer to an uninitialized C \code{storageMethods} structure. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ptr}:}{Object of class \code{"externalptr"} } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"externalResource"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ Signature components of the methods: \tabular{ll}{ resource \tab The class "nativeStorageMethods"\cr ptr \tab The class "externalptr"\cr size \tab The class "ANY"\cr type \tab The class "ANY"\cr } Description of the methods: \describe{ \item{allocatedSize(resource):}{ Returns the size of the C \code{storageMethods} structure in bytes. } \item{allocator(resource):}{ Returns an object of class \code{"gcAllocator"}. } \item{getPointer(reource):}{ Return the \code{ptr} slot. } \item{initializeResource(resource, ptr, size, type, \dots):}{ Sets the \code{ptr} } } } \seealso{ \code{\link{nativeStorageMethodsList-class}} for how this class is used. \code{\link{externalResource-class}} for more on the super class of this class. } \keyword{classes} \keyword{methods}