\name{externalVector-class} \docType{class} \alias{externalVector-class} \alias{asEach,externalVector,character-method} \alias{c,externalVector-method} \alias{apply,externalVector-method} \alias{as.complex,externalVector-method} \alias{as.data.frame,externalVector-method} \alias{as.double,externalVector-method} \alias{as.integer,externalVector-method} \alias{as.list,externalVector-method} \alias{as.logical,externalVector-method} \alias{as.matrix,externalVector-method} \alias{as.numeric,externalVector-method} \alias{as.single,externalVector-method} \alias{coerce,externalVector,vector-method} \alias{coerce,externalVector,matrix-method} \alias{coerce,vector,externalVector-method} \alias{coerce,matrix,externalVector-method} \alias{defaultElement,externalVector-method} \alias{dimnames<-,externalVector,NULL-method} \alias{dimnames<-,externalVector,list-method} \alias{names<-,externalVector,externalVector-method} \alias{names<-,externalVector,ANY-method} \alias{names<-,externalVector,NULL-method} \alias{setDimNames,externalVector-method} \alias{setNames,externalVector-method} \alias{show,externalVector-method} \alias{as.character,externalVector-method} \alias{as.Rvector,externalVector-method} \alias{as.vector,externalVector-method} \alias{lapply,externalVector-method} \alias{sapply,externalVector-method} \alias{mean,externalVector-method} \alias{median,externalVector,ANY-method} \alias{median,externalVector,missing-method} \alias{cor,ANY,externalVector-method} \alias{cov,ANY,externalVector-method} \alias{var,ANY,externalVector-method} \alias{cor,externalVector,ANY-method} \alias{cov,externalVector,ANY-method} \alias{var,externalVector,ANY-method} \alias{cov2cor,externalVector-method} \title{Class "externalVector", base class for vector objects stored in an external resource } \description{ This class represents objects that behave like R basic vectors but are stored in some external resource. } \section{Objects from the Class}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.} \section{Methods}{ Common signature components for the methods: \tabular{ll}{ x \tab The class "externalVector"\cr X \tab The class "externalVector"\cr } Description of the methods: \describe{ \item{asEach(x, type, arrayOnly)}{ Coerce \code{x} so that it now behaves like a basic R vector with the same class as \code{type}.} \item{c(x, \dots, recursive)}{ Combine all the arguments into a single vector. Behaves like a basic R vector with the same class as \code{type}.} \item{as.Rvector(x)}{ Coerce \code{x} to a basic R vector with same names, dimension and dimnames (if any of these are present in \code{x}). } \item{as.vector(x, mode)}{ Return an external vector which behaves like a basic R vector of mode \code{mode}. } \item{as.logical(x, \dots)}{ Return an external vector with all elements coerced to logical. } \item{as.integer(x, \dots)}{ Return an external vector with all elements coerced to integer. } \item{as.double(x, \dots)}{ Return an external vector with all elements coerced to numeric. } \item{as.numeric(x, \dots)}{ Return an external vector with all elements coerced to numeric. } \item{as.charcater(x)}{ Return an external vector with all elements coerced to character. } \item{as.list(x, \dots)}{ Return an external vector that behaves like a list. } \item{as.single(x, \dots)}{ Return an external vector with all elements coerced to numeric and a "CSingle" attribute set to \code{TRUE}. } \item{as.data.frame(x, row.names, optional)}{ Create a data.frame object from \code{x}. } \item{as.matrix(x)}{ If \code{length(dim(x))} is \code{2}, return \code{x} unchanged. Otherwise, return \code{x} as a matrix with a single column. } \item{defaultElement(x)}{ The default element of \code{x} contained in a basic R vector. } \item{dimnames(x) <- value}{ Set dimnames of \code{x} to value. } \item{names(x) <- value}{ Set names of \code{x} to value. } \item{show(object)}{ Display \code{object}. } \item{apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, \dots)}{ Coerce X to an R matrix and call the default \code{apply} method. } \item{lapply(X, FUN, \dots)}{ Lapply for "externalVector" class. } \item{sapply(X, FUN, \dots, simplify, USE.NAMES)}{ Sapply for "externalVector" class. } \item{mean(x, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, \dots)}{ Mean and trimmed mean of \code{x}. } \item{median(x, na.rm = FALSE)}{ Mean of \code{x}. } } } \section{Virtual Methods}{ Common signature components for implementation of the virtual methods: \tabular{ll}{ x \tab A subclass of "externalVector"\cr value \tab The class "ANY"\cr } Description of the virtual methods: \describe{ \item{setDimNames(x, value)}{ Set the dimnames of \code{x} to \code{value} without any error checking or coercion. Return the modified \code{x}. } \item{setNames(x, value)}{ Set the names of \code{x} to \code{value} without any error checking or coercion. Return the modified \code{x}. } } } \seealso{ \code{\link{externalVectorWithStorage-class}},\code{\link{matrixIndex-class}}, \code{\link{indirectExternalVector-class}}, \code{\link{indirectExternalMatrix-class}}, for subclasses of \code{"externalVector"}. } \keyword{classes}