\name{asEach} \alias{asEach} \alias{asEach,ANY,character-method} \title{ Coerce each element of an external vector to a particular type } \description{ This generic coerces each element of an external vector to a particular type. } \usage{ asEach(x, type, arrayOnly = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An external vector object. } \item{type}{ Character-string, a basic vector mode. } \item{arrayOnly}{ If arrayOnly is \code{FALSE} (the default) do not copy extra slots like \code{Names}, \code{DimNames} or \code{Dim}. } } \value{ Another external vector object of same length but with \code{class(defaultElement(x)) == class(type)}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[methods]{as}} to convert an object to a different class. } \examples{ x <- externalCharacter(4) x[] <- c("1", "2", "3", "4") asEach(x, "integer") } \keyword{classes}