\name{SubscriptList} \alias{SubscriptList} \title{ Function to convert a list of array subscripts to a list objects of class vectorIndex. } \description{ SubscriptList takes a list of subscripts to a subset or subassign operation and converts each subscript to an object belonging to the virtual class \code{vectorIndex}. } \usage{ SubscriptList(subs, length.object, dim.object = NULL, names.object = NULL, dimnames.object = NULL, assign.operation = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{subs}{ An object of class "list", elements are valid subscripts. } \item{length.object}{ A scalar of class "integer", representing the length of the object being subsetted or subassigned. } \item{dim.object}{ An object of class "integer" or \code{NULL}, the dimension of the object. } \item{names.object}{ An object belonging to class union "validNamesClass", the names of the object viewed as a vector. } \item{dimnames.object}{ \code{NULL} or an object of class "list", each of whose elements are objects belonging to class union "validNamesClass". } \item{assign.operation}{ A scalar of class "logical", if \code{TRUE} the subscripts are for a subasign operation, if \code{FALSE}, the subscripts are for a subset operation. } } \value{ An object of class "list" of same length as \code{subs} with each element a } \author{ Saikat DebRoy \email{} } \seealso{ See class union \code{\link{vectorNamesType-class}} for possible subscripts which are matched against the \code{names.object} or elements of \code{dimnames.object}. Also see class union \code{\link{vectorIndex-class}} for some other possible subscripts and for all possible elements in the returned list. Finally, see \code{\link{[}} for other subscripts that are valid. } \examples{ subs <- alist(i= , j= ) subs$j <- 1:4 SubscriptList(subs, 15, c(3, 5)) SubscriptList(list(i=c("a", "c"), j=-2), 15, c(3, 5), dimnames=list(letters[1:3], LETTERS[1:5])) } \keyword{array} \keyword{list}