\name{exp_showResults} \alias{exp_showResults} \title{Show analysis results} \author{Michael Lawrence } \description{ Add a column of analysis results to the exploRase table and the GGobi dataset. } \usage{exp_showResults(results, label, sublabels = "", types = exp_entityType(), keyword = NULL, explorase = T, ggobi = T)} \arguments{ \item{results}{the data frame of results. To include results for multiple entity types at once, the result for each type should be concatenated in the same order as the \code{types} parameter.} \item{label}{a root label for the result (like the type of analysis)} \item{sublabels}{other labels concatenated to the root (such as the conditions involved)} \item{types}{the entity type(s) of the data from which this result was derived.} \item{keyword}{a keyword identifying this result, for use in context-sensitive help} \item{explorase}{whether to show the result in the explorase table} \item{ggobi}{whether to add the result to the GGobi dataset} } \details{} \examples{} \keyword{dynamic} \keyword{manip}