\name{exp_findPatterns} \alias{exp_findPatterns} \title{Find Patterns} \author{Michael Lawrence } \description{ Finds patterns in data. Transitions within range of 'fraction' (centered on median) are considered flat (unchanging). Those below are falling and those above are rising. } \usage{exp_findPatterns(data, flat_fraction)} \arguments{ \item{data}{A data frame of experimental data according to exploRase conventions.} \item{flat_fraction}{The fraction of transitions considered unchanged, centered on median.} } \value{a data frame, with a row for each gene. The first column is the sum of \code{x^i} over all \code{i} from 1 to \code{ncol(data)-1}, where \code{x} is 1, 2, or 3, depending on whether the pattern is up, same, or down, respectively, for transition \code{i}. The second column contains the magnitude of the pattern.} \details{} \examples{} \keyword{arith}