\name{exp_dataset} \alias{exp_dataset} \alias{exp_dataFrame} \title{Get experimental data} \author{Michael Lawrence } \description{ Get experimental data of the specified type out of exploRase } \usage{ exp_dataset(ent_type = exp_entityType()) exp_dataFrame(ent_type = exp_entityType()) } \arguments{ \item{ent_type}{the entity type ("gene", "met", ...) of the data} } \value{ For \code{exp_dataset}, a GGobi dataset, see rggobi documentation. For \code{exp_dataFrame}, a data.frame coerced from the result of \code{exp_dataset}. } \details{The result of \code{exp_dataset} allows one to directly manipulate the GGobi dataset. If only a \code{data.frame} is required, \code{exp_dataFrame} is a more convenient path.} \examples{} \keyword{manip}