\name{xmapGene} \alias{xmapGene} \alias{xmapTranscript} \alias{xmapExon} \alias{xmapProbeset} \title{ Open a browser window at the X:Map database, centered on the specified feature } \description{ Displays gene/transcript/exon/probeset in a web browser using the X:Map genome database. } \usage{ xmapGene(v) xmapTranscript(v) xmapExon(v) xmapProbeset(v) } \arguments{ \item{v}{ Database identifier } } \details{ The function attempts to open a new window using the default web browser, pointing at the X:Map website for the item of interest. } \references{\url{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/}} \author{ CJ Miller, MJ Okoniewski } \keyword{ misc } \examples{ if(interactive()) { xmapConnect() xmapGene("ENSG00000146556") } }