\name{group.indices} \alias{group.indices} \title{ Given an expression object get the array indices for a particular set of arrays } \description{ Looks up the column named 'group' in the phenoData object to find members with a particular name and returns the indices of those arrays } \usage{ group.indices(x,group,members) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ expression data } \item{group}{ the column to select on } \item{members}{vector of column entries to pick } } \value{ An object with only the selected arrays in } \references{\url{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/}} \author{ Crispin Miller } \seealso{ \code{\link{array.subset}}} \keyword{ misc } \examples{ \dontrun{ #add data group.indices(exprs,"group",c("a","b")) } }