\name{details} \alias{details} \alias{exon.details} \alias{transcript.details} \alias{gene.details} \title{Get detailed annotation for exons, transcripts and genes} \description{ Given a character vector of Ensembl database names, get more detailed annotation from X:Map. } \usage{ gene.details(v) transcript.details(v) exon.details(v) } \arguments{ \item{v}{A character vector of database identifiers} } \details{ Connects to the X:Map database to retrieve data. Before these functions can be used, \code{\link{xmapConnect}} must have been called. } \value{ A \code{\link{data.frame}}. } \seealso{ \link{xmapConnect} \link{filters} \link{mappings} } \examples{ if(interactive()) { xmapConnect() gene <- probeset.to.gene(c("3743919")) transcripts <- gene.to.transcript(gene) exons <- gene.to.exon(gene) gene.details(gene) transcript.details(transcripts) exon.details(exons) } } \keyword{misc} \author{C.J. Miller, M.J. Okoniewski} \references{\url{http://xmap.picr.man.ac.uk}}