\name{splitIntoGroups} \alias{splitIntoGroups} \alias{splitIntoGroupsPseudo} \title{Split the Counts or Pseudocounts from a DGEList Object According To Group} \description{Split the counts from a DGEList object according to group, creating a list where each element consists of a numeric matrix of counts for a particular experimental group. Given a pair of groups, split pseudocounts for these groups, creating a list where each element is a matrix of pseudocounts for a particular gourp.} \usage{ splitIntoGroups(object) splitIntoGroupsPseudo(pseudo, group, pair) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{DGEList}, object containing (at least) the elements \code{counts} (table of raw counts), \code{group} (factor indicating group) and \code{lib.size} (numeric vector of library sizes)} \item{pseudo}{numeric matrix of quantile-adjusted pseudocounts to be split} \item{group}{factor indicating group to which libraries/samples (i.e. columns of \code{pseudo} belong; must be same length as ncol(pseudo)} \item{pair}{vector of length two stating pair of groups to be split for the pseudocounts} } \value{\code{splitIntoGroups} outputs a list in which each element is a matrix of count counts for an individual group. \code{splitIntoGroupsPseudo} outputs a list with two elements, in which each element is a numeric matrix of (pseudo-)count data for one of the groups specified.} \author{Davis McCarthy} \examples{ # generate raw counts from NB, create list object y<-matrix(rnbinom(80,size=1,mu=10),nrow=20) d<-DGEList(counts=y,group=rep(1:2,each=2),lib.size=rep(c(1000:1001),2)) rownames(d$counts)<-paste("tagno",1:nrow(d$counts),sep=".") z1<-splitIntoGroups(d) z2<-splitIntoGroupsPseudo(d$counts,d$group,pair=c(1,2)) } \keyword{algebra}