\name{logLikDerP} \alias{logLikDerP} \title{Log-Likelihood for Proportion} \description{Log-likelihood and derivatives for the proportion parameter (i,e, expression level) of negative binomial (mean = library size * proportion)} \usage{ logLikDerP(p, y, lib.size, r, der = 0) } \arguments{ \item{p}{vector of proportion parameters to be evaluated} \item{y}{matrix of counts} \item{lib.size}{vector of library sizes} \item{r}{size parameter of negative binomial distribution} \item{der}{derivative, either 0 (the function), 1 (first derivative) or 2 (second derivative)} } \value{ vector of the likelihood or specified derivative evaluations for each tag/gene} \author{Mark Robinson, Davis McCarthy} \examples{ y<-matrix(rnbinom(20,size=1.5,mu=10),nrow=5) d<-DGEList(counts=y,group=rep(1:2,each=2),lib.size=rep(c(1000:1001),2)) this.p<-rowMeans( y/ outer(rep(1,nrow(y)),d$samples$lib.size) ) d1p<-logLikDerP(this.p,y,d$samples$lib.size,r=1.5,der=1) } \seealso{ \code{\link{estimatePs}} calls \code{logLikDerP} as part of the procedure for estimating the expression level(s) of each tag. } \keyword{file}