\name{estimateSmoothing} \alias{estimateSmoothing} \title{Estimate the Prior Weight} \description{Estimate the prior weight, prior.n, using an approximate empirical Bayes rule given the estimate of the common dispersion. The prior weight determines how much smoothing takes place to squeeze tag/genewise estimates of the dispersion closer to the estimate of the common dispersion.} \usage{ estimateSmoothing(object,verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{DGEList} object, output of \code{estimateCommonDisp}} \item{verbose}{logical, whether to write comments, default \code{true}} } \value{ \code{estimateSmoothing} produces an object of class \code{DGEList} with the following components. \item{prior.n}{scalar; estimate of the prior weight, i.e. the smoothing parameter that indicates the weight to put on the common likelihood compared to the individual tag's likelihood; prior.n of 10 means that the common likelihood is given 10 times the weight of the individual tag/gene's likelihood in the estimation of the tag/genewise dispersion} } \details{We are not recommending this function for routine use at the moment, as it has given unexpected results on some deep-sequenced data sets. It should be considered experimental. We are instead recommending that \code{prior.n} be chosen by the user. Values in the range 10-50 give good results in practice.} \author{Mark Robinson, Davis McCarthy} \examples{ y<-matrix(rnbinom(20,size=1,mu=10),nrow=5) d<-DGEList(counts=y,group=rep(1:2,each=2),lib.size=rep(c(1000:1001),2)) d<-estimateCommonDisp(d) prior.n<-estimateSmoothing(d) } \keyword{file}