\name{de4DGEList-class} \docType{class} \alias{de4DGEList-class} \alias{show,de4DGEList-method} \title{differential expression for Digital Gene Expression data - class} \description{ A simple list-based class for storing results of differential expression analysis for DGE data } \section{Slots/List Components}{ Objects of this class contain the following list components: \code{ps}: list containing estimates of \code{p} parameter, the expression proportions for the tags/genes. \code{dispersion}: numeric vector of dispersion parameter (\code{phi}, the negative binomial dispersion). \code{pseudo}: numeric matrix with the pseudo-counts. \code{group}: vector giving the experimental group/condition. \code{M}: numeric scalar with the library size that pseudo counts are mapped to. } \section{Methods}{ This class inherits directly from class \code{list} so any operation appropriate for lists will work on objects of this class. \code{deDGEList} objects also have a \code{show} method. } \author{Mark Robinson, Davis McCarthy} \keyword{classes}