\name{condLogLikDerSize} \alias{condLogLikDerSize} \title{Log-Likelihood of the Common Dispersion for a Single Equalized Group} \description{Derivatives of the conditional negative-binomial log-likelihood (for each tag/transcript) with respect to the common dispersion parameter, for a single group of replicate libraries of the same size. Parameterized in terms of size or precision (\code{1/phi}).} \usage{condLogLikDerSize(y, r, der=1)} \arguments{ \item{y}{matrix of (pseudo) count data} \item{r}{size parameter of negative binomial distribution} \item{der}{order of derivative required, either 0 (the function), 1 (first derivative) or 2 (second derivative)} } \value{vector of function/derivative evaluations, one for each transcript} \details{The library sizes must be equalized before running this function. This function carries out the actual mathematical computations for the conditional log-likelihood and its derivatives, calculating the conditional log-likelihood for each tag/transcript. } \author{Mark Robinson, Davis McCarthy} \examples{ y <- matrix(rnbinom(10,size=1,mu=10),nrow=5) condLogLikDerSize(y,r=1,der=1) } \keyword{file}