\name{latEDtable} \alias{latEDtable} \title{ use latex tags for dimnames of table created from edd classification } \description{use latex tags for dimnames of table created from edd classification } \usage{ latEDtable(x, baselist=eddDistList, reorder=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ x -- a table (possibly two dimensional) of results of applying edd} \item{baselist}{ baselist -- a list of eddDist objects} \item{reorder}{ reorder -- a numeric vector describing how to re order the table rows/columns} } \details{ for use with xtable rendering. table will give results with margin names in lexicographic order; reorder can be used to get a different order. } \value{ a matrix with dimnames computed from the latexTag slots of the corresponding eddDist objects } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ require(Biobase) data(sample.ExpressionSet) # should filter to genes with reasonable variation rawTab <- table( edd(sample.ExpressionSet, meth="nnet", size=10, decay=.2) ) latEDtable(rawTab) library(xtable) xtable(latEDtable(rawTab)) # realTags <- sapply(eddDistList,tag) reo <- match(realTags,names(rawTab)) xtable(latEDtable(rawTab,reorder=reo)) } \keyword{ models }