\name{dksSelectGenes} \alias{dksSelectGenes} \title{ Extract gene signatures from a DKSGeneScores object. } \description{ The \code{DKSGeneScores} returned by \code{\link{dksTrain}} holds the rank data for all the genes in the original \code{ExpressioSet}. However, generally only the top n genes for each class are desired for classification. Rather than needing to re-run \code{dksTrain} every time a signature of different size (n) is desired, you simply extract that top n genes from this object using dksSelectGenes. } \usage{ dksSelectGenes(data, n) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{ An object of class \code{DKSGeneScores}, typically generated by \code{dksTrain}} \item{n}{ The number of genes, per class, to include in the classification signature.} } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{DKSGeneScores}} } \author{Eric J. Kort, Yarong Yang} \seealso{\code{\link{dksTrain}}, \code{\link{dksSelectGenes}}, \code{\link{dksClassify}}, \code{\link{DKSGeneScores}}, \code{\link{DKSPredicted}}, \code{\link{DKSClassifier}}} \examples{ data("dks") tr <- dksTrain(eset, 1, "up") cl <- dksSelectGenes(tr, 100) pr <- dksClassify(eset, cl) summary(pr, pData(eset)[,1]) show(pr) plot(pr, actual=pData(eset)[,1]) } \keyword{classif}