\name{rawdata} \alias{rawdata} \docType{data} \title{Micro array dataset} \description{ Microarray dataset consisting of 7 chips.3 control and 4 experiment with 2382 genes.The first column consists of gene names, hence the dataset has 8 columns in total. } \usage{data(rawdata)} \format{ A data frame with 2382 observations on the following 11 variables. \describe{ \item{GeneID}{Gene IDS or Gene names} \item{c1}{a numeric vector of gene intensities for control chip 1} \item{c2}{a numeric vector of gene intensities for control chip 2} \item{c3}{a numeric vectorof gene intensities for control chip 3} \item{e1}{a numeric vector of gene intensities for experiment chip 1} \item{e2}{a numeric vector of gene intensities for experiment chip 2} \item{e3}{a numeric vector of gene intensities for experiment chip 3} \item{e4}{a numeric vector of gene intensities for experiment chip 4} } } \source{ Dozmorov I,Centola,M. An associative analysis of gene expression array data. Bioinformatics.2003 Jan22;19(2):204-11 Knowlton N,Dozmorov I, Centola M. Microarray data Analysis Tool box(MDAT): for normalization,adjustment and analysis of gene expression data. Bioonformatics.2004 Dec 12;20(18):3687-90 } \examples{ data(rawdata) } \keyword{internal}