\name{dataTrim} \alias{dataTrim} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ DataTrim using pseudo winsorization algorithm} \description{ DataTrim cleans the data through a pseudo winsorization algorithm. First, the mean and SD are calculated. Then, any values above 2SD are trimmed.The mean is recalculated and any values less then 2 SD are trimmed.This process of cutting 2 SD above the mean and then 2 SD below the mean is repeated until no further cuts are possible. } \usage{ dataTrim(chipdata) } \arguments{ \item{chipdata}{chipdata is a vector of chipdata from microarray chips.} } \value{ Returns a vector of trimmed chipdata representing background based on pseudo winsorization algorithm. } \references{ Dozmorov I,Centola,M. An associative analysis of gene expression array data. Bioinformatics.2003 Jan22;19(2):204-11 Knowlton N,Dozmorov I, Centola M. Microarray data Analysis Tool box(MDAT): for normalization,adjustment and analysis of gene expression data. Bioonformatics.2004 Dec 12;20(18):3687-90 } \author{ Choudary L Jagarlamudi } \examples{ #see normalize for details } \keyword{internal}