\name{curveFit} \alias{curveFit} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{CurveFit data to a Gaussian distribution} \description{ CurveFit takes a vector of chipdata from microarray slides and fits the data to a Gaussian distribution through a non-linear least-squares optimization algorithm.The results are graphically depicted in a series of histograms. Each histogram represents a different initial seed (left to right: 2 bins, 3 bins, 4 bins, 4.5 bins, 5 bins, and 5.5 bins) that is passed to the curve fitting algorithm. The resulting fit for each histogram is superimposed with a solid blue line.The user is then able to visually select the 'best' fit. } \usage{ curveFit(chipdata, plot) } \arguments{ \item{chipdata}{ a vector of chipdata from microarray slides.} \item{plot}{plot can take values of 1 or 0. If plot is 1 then the histogram with the curve fit will be shown graphically.} } \value{ an object res which is a list containing the following components. res1]: mean of the computed background. res[2]: standard deviation of the computed background. } \references{ Dozmorov I,Centola,M. An associative analysis of gene expression array data. Bioinformatics.2003 Jan22;19(2):204-11 Knowlton N,Dozmorov I, Centola M. Microarray data Analysis Tool box(MDAT): for normalization,adjustment and analysis of gene expression data. Bioonformatics.2004 Dec 12;20(18):3687-90 } \author{Choudary L Jagarlamudi} \examples{ #see normalize for details. } \keyword{internal}