\name{ddCtAbsolute} \alias{ddCtAbsolute} \title{absolute quantification for Taqman data} \description{ absolute quantification for Taqman data } \usage{ ddCtAbsolute(raw.table, addData, type = "mean", ADD = -30.234, DIV = -1.6268, sampleInformation = NULL, toZero = FALSE, filename = "warning.output.txt") } \arguments{ \item{raw.table}{data frame. It must contain columns with the following names:'Ct','Sample','Detector','Platename'. The column 'Ct' must contain numeric values. } \item{addData}{add data} \item{type}{character of length 1. `mean` or `median`- which method should be used for the aggregation of the repicates } \item{ADD}{Add constant} \item{DIV}{Div constant} \item{sampleInformation}{ if specified it must be an object of class \code{phenoData} with a column named 'Sample'. } \item{toZero}{boolean - if there is only one replication should the error be treated as zero ? (only if 'type' is mean) } \item{filename}{ character of length 1. The name of the file the warnings should be stored in. } } \value{A an object of class \code{\link{eSet}}. The assayData has the following components: exprs, error, Ct, Ct.error, Difference, number\_NA, number, Plate.} \references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Markus Ruschhaupt \url{mailto:m.ruschhaupt@dkfz.de} }