\name{barploterrbar} \alias{barploterrbar} \title{Barplot with error bars.} \description{Barplot with error bars.} \usage{ barploterrbar(y, yl, yh, barcol="orange", errcol="black", horiz=FALSE, w=0.2,theCut=NULL,columnForDiffBars=TRUE,cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),zeroForNA=TRUE,legend=FALSE,groups = NULL, order=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{y}{Numeric vector.} \item{yl}{Numeric vector of same length as y.} \item{yh}{Numeric vector of same length as y.} \item{barcol}{Color of the bars.} \item{errcol}{Color of the error bars.} \item{horiz}{Logical. As in \code{\link[graphics:barplot]{barplot}}.} \item{w}{Size of the error bar ticks.} \item{theCut}{The cut value} \item{columnForDiffBars}{Whether the matrix should be transposed (by default the rows are for diff bars)} \item{zeroForNA}{Draw 0 instead of NA} \item{cex.axis}{Axis font cex} \item{legend}{Sould a legend be plotted ?} \item{groups}{a factor - if specified the bars are collored according to the group they belong to} \item{order}{plot sample values in descending order} \item{...}{Further arguments that get passed on to \code{\link[graphics:barplot]{barplot}}.} } \details{The function calls \code{\link[graphics:barplot]{barplot}} with \code{y} and decorates it with error bars according to \code{yl} and \code{yh}.} \value{The function is called for its side effect, producing a plot.} \seealso{\code{\link[graphics:barplot]{barplot}}} \author{Markus Ruschhaupt, Florian Hahne} \keyword{hplot} \examples{ y <- matrix(runif(80), ncol=5) ym <- apply(y, 2, mean) dy <- apply(y, 2, sd)*2/sqrt(nrow(y)) barploterrbar(ym, ym-dy, ym+dy, barcol="#0000c0", errcol="orange") }