\name{SDMFrame} \alias{SDMFrame} \alias{readSDM} \alias{InputFrame,InputReader-method} \alias{rightCensoring,InputFrame,numeric-method} \title{Read an SDM file} \description{Read an SDM file: Data Output File for SDS, Version 2.1} \usage{ SDMFrame(file) readSDM(file) } \arguments{ \item{file}{Character vector of filenames} } \details{This function reads the data given in the colums 'Detector','Sample' and 'Ct' of the specified SDM output file(s) and stores them as a data.frame. An additional column including the respective filename is added. This function is a wrapper for the SDMFrame constructor } \value{A object of class \code{\linkS4class{SDMFrame}}} \author{ Rudolf Biczok \url{mailto:r.biczok@dkfz.de}} \examples{ ## read a SDM file sampdat <- SDMFrame(system.file("extdata", "Experiment1.txt", package="ddCt")) ## you can also write ## sampdat <- new("SDMFrame",system.file("extdata", "Experiment1.txt", ## package="ddCt")) ## or with ## sampdat <- readSDM(system.file("extdata", "Experiment1.txt", ## package="ddCt")) ## use the getter methods sampleNames(sampdat) ## or the overloaded primitive accessors sampdat[1:3,"Sample"] ## see all unique samples uniqueSampleNames(sampdat) ## replace all sample names 'Sample1' and 'Sample2' in sampdat ## with 'NewSample1' and 'NewSample2' uniqueSampleNames(sampdat,c("Sample1","Sample2")) <- c("NewSample1","NewSample2") uniqueSampleNames(sampdat) ## or use this syntax to replace the gene names uniqueDetectorNames(sampdat) <- c(Gene1="NewGene1", Gene2="NewGene2") uniqueDetectorNames(sampdat) }