\name{ar1analysis} \alias{ar1analysis} \title{Performs AR1 fitting} \description{Calculation of the autocorrelation coefficients genes and variance of corresponding random variables to fit gene expression time series by AR1 processes } \usage{ar1analysis(eset)} \arguments{\item{eset}{object of the class \dQuote{ExpressionSet}} } \value{List of fitted autocorrelation coefficients (\code{alpha}) for ExpressionSet features and variance (\code{sigma2}) of corresponding random variables obtained using the \code{\link[stats]{ar}} function of the \emph{stats} package.} \note{Note that this function evaluates soley the \code{exprs} matrix and no information is used from the \code{phenoData}. In particular, the ordering of samples (arrays) is the same as the ordering of the columns in the \code{exprs} matrix. Also, replicated arrays in the \code{exprs} matrix are treated as independent i.e. they should be averagered prior to analysis or placed into different distinct \dQuote{ExpressionSet} objects.} \seealso{ \code{\link[stats]{ar}}} \examples{ data(yeast) # loading the reduced CDC28 yeast set (from the Mfuzz package) # Data preprocessing if (interactive()){ data(yeast) yeast <- filter.NA(yeast) # filters genes with more than 25% of the expression values missing yeast <- fill.NA(yeast) # for illustration only; rather use knn method for replacing missing values tmp <- ar1analysis(yeast) # fits AR1 process autocorrelation coefficients plot(density(tmp$alpha),main="Autocorrelation") } } \keyword{ts}