\name{r2gtr} \alias{r2gtr} \alias{r2atr} \alias{r2cdt} \title{Write to gtr, atr, cdt file format} \description{Write data frame and hclust object to gtr atr, cdt files (Xcluster or Cluster output). Visualisation of cluster can be done with tools like treeview} \usage{ r2gtr(hr,file="cluster.gtr",distance=hr$dist.method,dec='.',digits=5) r2atr(hc,file="cluster.atr",distance=hc$dist.method,dec='.',digits=5) r2cdt(hr,hc,data,labels=FALSE,description=FALSE,file="cluster.cdt",dec='.') } \details{Function \code{\link{hclust2treeview}} compute hierarchical clustering and export to all files at once.} \arguments{ \item{file}{the path of the file} \item{data}{a matrix (or data frame) which provides the data to put into the file} \item{hr,hc}{objects of class hclust (rows and columns)} \item{distance}{The distance measure used. This must be one of `"euclidean"', `"maximum"', `"manhattan"', `"canberra"' or `"binary"'. Any unambiguous substring can be given.} \item{digits}{number digits for precision} \item{labels}{a logical value indicating whether we use the frist column as labels (NAME column for cluster file)} \item{description}{a logical value indicating whether we use the second column as description (DESCRIPTION column for cluster file)} \item{dec}{the character used in the file for decimal points} } \examples{ # Create data set.seed(1) m <- matrix(rep(1,3*24),ncol=3) m[9:16,3] <- 3 ; m[17:24,] <- 3 #create 3 groups m <- m+rnorm(24*3,0,0.5) #add noise m <- floor(10*m)/10 #just one digits # use library stats # Cluster columns hc <- hclust(dist(t(m))) # Cluster rows hr <- hclust(dist(m)) # Export files r2atr(hc,file="cluster.atr") r2gtr(hr,file="cluster.gtr") r2cdt(hr,hc,m ,file="cluster.cdt") } \keyword{cluster} \references{ Antoine Lucas and Sylvain Jasson, \emph{Using amap and ctc Packages for Huge Clustering}, R News, 2006, vol 6, issue 5 pages 58-60. } \author{Antoine Lucas, \url{http://antoinelucas.free.fr/ctc}} \seealso{\code{\link{r2xcluster}}, \code{\link{xcluster2r}},\code{\link[stats]{hclust}},\code{\link[amap]{hcluster}}}