\name{hclust2treeview} \alias{hclust2treeview} \title{Hierarchical clustering and treeview export} \description{ This function compute hierachical clustering with function hcluster and export cluster to treeview files format. } \usage{ hclust2treeview(x,file="cluster.cdt",method = "euclidean",link = "complete",keep.hclust=FALSE) } \details{This function producte all 3 files needed by treeview, with extentions: cdt, gtr, atr.} \arguments{ \item{x}{numeric matrix or a data frame or an object of class "exprSet".} \item{file}{File name of export file.} \item{method}{the distance measure to be used. This must be one of \code{"euclidean"}, \code{"maximum"}, \code{"manhattan"}, \code{"canberra"} \code{"binary"} \code{"pearson"}, \code{"correlation"} or \code{"spearman"}. Any unambiguous substring can be given.} \item{link}{the agglomeration method to be used. This should be (an unambiguous abbreviation of) one of \code{"ward"}, \code{"single"}, \code{"complete"}, \code{"average"}, \code{"mcquitty"}, \code{"median"} or \code{"centroid"}.} \item{keep.hclust}{if TRUE: function returns a list of 2 objects of class hclust} } \value{ if keep.hclust = FALSE, function return 1. else function returns 2 objects of class hclust, first: hierachical clustering by rows, second: hierarchical clustering by columns } \author{Antoine Lucas, \url{http://mulcyber.toulouse.inra.fr/projects/amap/}} \seealso{\code{\link[stats]{hclust}}} \references{ Antoine Lucas and Sylvain Jasson, \emph{Using amap and ctc Packages for Huge Clustering}, R News, 2006, vol 6, issue 5 pages 58-60. } \examples{ data(USArrests) hclust2treeview(USArrests,file="cluster.cdt") } \keyword{cluster}