\name{constraintBuilder} \alias{constraintBuilder} \title{GUI assistance for constructing constraint sets} \description{ This command opens a series of user-friendly pop-up windows that will help the user adapt sample constraints or build new constraints from scratch. } \usage{ constraintBuilder() } \details{ There are five sample constraints the user can modify: ICstep (the information content is a constant across the intervals), ICbound (the information content is bounded across each interval, V-shaped (the information content follows a symetric and continuous high-low-high), A-shaped (the information content follows a symetric and continuous low-high-low), Submotif (a segment of the motif is known).) The uiser also has the option of building a constraint set from scratch. The user will then be taken through a step-by-step construction (interval setup, palindromic intervals constraints, information content constraints, nucleotide frequencies constraints and submotif constraints.) } \value{ The function returns an object of class \code{constraint set}, which can be passed to \code{cosmo()} as the \code{constraints} argument or plotted using the \code{plot()} function. } \author{ Fabian Gallusser, \email{fgallusser@berkeley.edu} } \seealso{ } \examples{ #cs <- constraintBuilder() #plot(cs) } \keyword{misc}