\name{simScore} \alias{simScore} \title{Score motif detection simulation results} \description{ This function computes sensitivity and specifity for the results returned by cosmo. } \usage{ simScore(truth, cosmoOut, minOverlap=0.25) } \arguments{ \item{truth}{\code{align} Alignment describing the true motif occurrences.} \item{cosmoOut}{\code{cosmo} The results returned by \code{cosmo()}.} \item{minOverlap}{\code{numeric} A predicted motif must overlap at least this proportion of a known motif to be considered a hit.} } \details{ } \value{ \item{sens}{The proportion of true motif occurrences discovered (sensitivity).} \item{spec}{The proportion of true motif occurrences among the discovered sites (specificity).} \item{roc}{The area under the ROC curve.} } \references{} \author{Oliver Bembom, \email{bembom@berkeley.edu}} \note{} \seealso{ \code{\link{cosmo}} } \examples{ ## generate 20 sequences according to OOPS model ## with an expected 50% of sequences containing a ## motif data(motifPWM) data(transMats) res <- rseq(20, 100, 1.0, motifPWM, transMats,"ZOOPS") truth <- res$motifs seqs <- res$seqs res <- cosmo(seqs, constraints="None", minW=8, maxW=8) simScore(truth, res) } \keyword{misc}