\name{addCon} \title{Add constraints to an already existing constraint set} \alias{addCon} \description{ Given a constraint set, the addCon command allows to add either interval-specific or global constraints to the constraintSet object. The possible interval-specific constraints are: boundCon (for information content bounding constraints), posFreqCon (for position frequency constraints), and shapeCon (for shape constraints). The possible global constraints are: subMotifCon (when part of the motif is known), palCon (for palindromic constraints) and shapeDiffCon (for information content differences between interval extremities). Each constraint can be built with its associated make-command: makeBoundCon, makePosFreqCon, makeShapeCon, makeSubMotifCon, makePalCon and makeShapeDiffCon. } \usage{ addCon(conSet, constraint, int=1) } \arguments{ \item{conSet}{an object of class \code{"constraint set"}} \item{constraint}{list of constraints constructed with one of the 6 make constraint commands. The length of the list should be the same as that of the 'int' argument. Instead of a list, this may also be a single constraint.} \item{int}{vector of the intervals to which the constraints given in the constraint argument should be applied. There should be a one-to-one correspondance between the elements of the list and the interval argument. For global constraints, the value of the interval is of no importance but should be present and numeric.} } \details{ } \value{ The output will be an object of class \code{"constraintSet"} resulting of the addition of the constraints to the original constraint set passed as first argument. } \author{ Fabian Gallusser, \email{fgallusser@berkeley.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{boundCon}}, \code{\link{posFreqCon}}, \code{\link{shapeCon}}, \code{\link{subMotifCon}}, \code{\link{shapeDiffCon}}, \code{\link{palCon}} \code{\link{makeBoundCon}}, \code{\link{makePosFreqCon}}, \code{\link{makeShapeCon}}, \code{\link{makeSubMotifCon}}, \code{\link{makeShapeDiffCon}}, \code{\link{makePalCon}} } \examples{ set=makeConSet(4,c("B","P","V","B"),c(4,50,NA,4)) con1=makeBoundCon(1,2) con2=makePalCon(1,4,0.5) con3=makeSubMotifCon("TATA",0.6) con4=makePosFreqCon("2","A",0.5) con5=makePosFreqCon("All","G",0.4) conSet=addCon(set,list(con1,con2,con3,con4,con5),c(2,NA,NA,1,3)) #Because of the palindromic constraint on intervals 1 and 4, the fourth #interval will inherit the nucleotide position frequency constraint #assigned to the first interval. } \keyword{misc}