\name{readCodelink} \alias{readCodelink} \title{Read Codelink Bioarrays Data} \description{ Read data exported as text by Codelink Software. It reads values (normalized by Codelink Software or not) flags and information about probes. } \usage{ readCodelink(files=list.files(pattern="TXT"), sample.name=NULL, flag, dec=NULL, type="Spot", preserve=FALSE, verbose=2, file.type="Codelink", check=TRUE, fix=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{files}{list of files to read.} \item{sample.name}{vector of same length as files with sample names.} \item{flag}{list with values to assign based on Flag quality values.} \item{dec}{character indicating the decimal character used in the files.} \item{type}{character indicating which base value to read from files.} \item{preserve}{logical, if TRUE Bkgd\_stdev slot is not removed (if present).} \item{verbose}{numerical, set the level of information. Level 2 set as old behaviour. Level > 2 output some debug info.} \item{file.type}{exported file type, currently Codelink or XLS file formats supported.} \item{check}{logical, check for probe order consistency.} \item{fix}{logical, try to fix probe order consistency.} } \value{An object of class "Codelink".} \author{Diego Diez} \seealso{\code{\link{read.table}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # reading default extension (TXT). data <- readCodelink() # specify a different one. files <- list.files(pattern = "txt") data <- readCodelink(files = files) # example. data(codelink.example) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}