\name{normalize} \alias{normalize} \title{Normalization wrapper for Codelink objects.} \description{ Takes a Codelink object and applies normalization to intensity values. } \usage{ normalize(object, method = "quantiles", log.it = TRUE, preserve = FALSE, weights = NULL, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of class "Codelink".} \item{method}{method to use in normalization.} \item{log.it}{logical; if data should be log2.} \item{preserve}{logical; if Ri slot should be preserved.} \item{weights}{weights vector for method CyclicLoess.} \item{verbose}{should informative output be printed.} } \value{A Codelink object with normalized intensity values.} \details{ Currently supported methods include "loess", "quantiles" and "median". Median normalization is analogous to the default method applied for the manufacturer in the Codelink software. Loess is a modified version of CyclicLoess implemented in the affy package, allowing missing values and weights. Quantile normalization uses the normalizeQuantiles() function in the limma package. } \author{Diego Diez} \examples{ \dontrun{ data(codelink.example) # Background correction. codelink.example <- bkgdCorrect(codelink.example, method = "half") # Normalization. codelink.example <- normalize(codelink.example, method = "quantile") } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}