\name{fc2Cond} \alias{fc2Cond} \title{Select probes based on fold change calculation} \description{ Takes a Codelink object and calculate fold changes (M) between two conditions (samples). Then select genes based on those who pass the passed cutoff. } \usage{ fc2Cond(object, cond1=NULL, cond2=NULL, fc=1.0, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of class "Codelink".} \item{cond1}{numeric or character; First condition to compute M.} \item{cond2}{numeric or character; Second condition to compute M.} \item{fc}{value of the fold change cutoff} \item{verbose}{logical; if some information is printed on the console.} } \value{A logical vector indicating which genes pass the cutoff} \details{ Conditions can be passed as characters or as numeric index from the sample slot. The intensities are internally transformed to log2 if needed. The M value is computed as: M = cond1 - cond2 } \author{Diego Diez} \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}