\name{bkgdCorrect} \alias{bkgdCorrect} \title{Background correction of intensity values.} \description{ Takes a Codelink object with Spot mean and Bkgd median values and corrects applying one of the methods available. } \usage{ bkgdCorrect(object, method = "half", preserve = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, offset = 0) } \arguments{ \item{object}{character; an object of class "Codelink".} \item{method}{character; the correction method to use, one of "none", "subtract", "half" and "normexp".} \item{preserve}{logical; if Smean and Bmedian slots should be preserved.} \item{verbose}{logical; if TRUE print some information with method normexp.} \item{offset}{numeric; value to add to intensities.} } \value{An object of class Codelink with corrected intensity values, that is Ri slot.} \details{ Available methods are: . none: left intensities untouched. . subtract: simple subtraction of Bkgd median from Spot mean. . half: the same as above but aboid negative values setting all intensity values below zero to 0.5. . normexp: apply normexp background adjustment from package limma. } \author{Diego Diez} \examples{ \dontrun{ data(codelink.example) codelink.example <- bkgdCorrect(codelink.example, method = "half") } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}