\name{normalizeBetweenSamples} \alias{normalizeBetweenSamples} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Between-sample normalization } \description{ Between-sample normalization for two-color DNA methylation microarray data. } \usage{ normalizeBetweenSamples (dat, copy=TRUE, m="allQuantiles", untreated="none", enriched="none", controlProbes=c("CONTROL_PROBES", "CONTROL_REGIONS"), controlIndex=NULL, excludeIndex=NULL, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dat}{ a TilingFeatureSet object } \item{copy}{ Only relevant when using disk-backed objects. If TRUE a copy will be made leaving the original object (dat) unchanged. The input object will not be preserved if copy=FALSE} \item{m}{ normalization method for log-ratios. "allQuantiles" for full quantile normalization, or "none" } \item{untreated}{ normalization method for the untreated channel. "complete", "allQuantiles" or "none" } \item{enriched}{ normalization method for the untreated channel. "sqn", "allQuantiles" or "none" } \item{controlProbes}{ character string of the label assigned to non-CpG control probes in the annotation file (i.e. the container column of the .ndf file). } \item{controlIndex}{ a vector of non-CpG control probe indices } \item{excludeIndex}{ a vector indicating which pm probes to ignore when creating normalization target distributions. Can be a vector of probe indices or a boolean vector of length(pmindex(dat)). } \item{verbose}{ boolean: Verbose output? } } \details{ This function is used by \code{\link{methp}} performs between-sample normalization. It is normally not used directly by the user. } \value{ a TilingFeatureSet } \author{ Martin Aryee } \seealso{ \code{\link{methp}} } \examples{ if (require(charmData) & require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18)) { phenodataDir <- system.file("extdata", package="charmData") pd <- read.delim(file.path(phenodataDir, "phenodata.txt")) pd <- subset(pd, sampleID=="441_liver") dataDir <- system.file("data", package="charmData") setwd(dataDir) rawData <- readCharm(files=pd$filename, sampleKey=pd) # Correct spatial artifacts dat <- spatialAdjust(rawData) # Remove background signal dat <- bgAdjust(dat) # Find non-CpG control probes ctrlIdx <- getControlIndex(rawData, subject=Hsapiens) # Within-sample normalization dat <- normalizeWithinSamples(dat, controlIndex=ctrlIdx) # Within-sample normalization dat <- normalizeBetweenSamples(dat) } }