\name{methPercent} \alias{methPercent} \title{ Estimate percentage DNA methylation from log-ratios } \description{ Estimate percentage DNA methylation from log-ratios } \usage{ methPercent(m, pmIndex, ngc, commonParams = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{m}{ a matrix of M-values (methylation log-ratios). One column per sample. } \item{pmIndex}{ A vector of probe indices to use in the calculation. Usually set to the indices of the pm probes (excluding background and other non-specific controls) by using pmIndex=pmindex(dat) } \item{ngc}{ a vector with GC-content of probes. Same length as nrow(m) } \item{commonParams}{ boolean indicating whether a common set of parameters should be used for all samples when converting M-values to percentage methylation. } } \details{ This function estimates percentage DNA methylation from normalized methylation log-ratios (M-values). } \value{ a matrix of percentage methylation estimates. Same dimensions as m } \author{ Martin Aryee } \examples{ if (require(charmData) & require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18)) { phenodataDir <- system.file("extdata", package="charmData") pd <- read.delim(file.path(phenodataDir, "phenodata.txt")) pd <- subset(pd, sampleID=="441_liver") dataDir <- system.file("data", package="charmData") setwd(dataDir) # Read in raw data rawData <- readCharm(files=pd$filename, sampleKey=pd) # Find non-CpG control probes ctrlIdx <- getControlIndex(rawData, subject=Hsapiens) # Get normalized methylation log-ratios m <- methp(rawData, controlIndex=ctrlIdx, returnM=TRUE) # Estimate percentage methylation ngc <- countGC(rawData) p <- methPercent(m, ngc=ngc) } }