\name{dmrFinder} \alias{dmrFinder} \title{ Find differentially methylated regions (DMRs) } \description{ Find differentially methylated regions (DMRs) from tiling microarray data. } \usage{ dmrFinder(eset=NULL, groups, p=NULL, l=NULL, chr=NULL, pos=NULL, pns=NULL, sdBins=NULL, controlIndex=NULL, controlProbes=c("CONTROL_PROBES", "CONTROL_REGIONS"), Indexes=NULL, filter=NULL, package=NULL, ws=7, verbose=TRUE, compare="all", withinSampleNorm="loess", betweenSampleNorm="quantile", cutoff=0.995, sortBy="ttarea",...) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{ a TilingFeatureSet } \item{groups}{ a vector of group labels for the samples in eset } \item{p}{ a matrix of percentage methylation values (scale: 0, 1). One column per sample } \item{l}{ a matrix of methylation values (scale: -Inf, Inf), typically log-ratios.} \item{chr}{ vector of chromosome labels for the probes in eset, p or l } \item{pos}{ vector of chromosomal coordinates for the probes in eset, p or l } \item{pns}{ vector of region names for the probes in eset, p or l } \item{sdBins}{ not currently implemented } \item{controlIndex}{ vector of indices of non-CpG control probes } \item{controlProbes}{ not currently used } \item{Indexes}{ not currently used } \item{filter}{ smoothing window weights. See details } \item{package}{ annotation package name } \item{ws}{ smoothing window size parameter. See details. } \item{verbose}{ Verbose progress reporting } \item{compare}{ the groups between which to find DMRs. } \item{withinSampleNorm}{ within-sample normalization method. "loess" or "none" } \item{betweenSampleNorm}{ between-sample normalization method. "quantile", "sqn" or "none" } \item{cutoff}{ t-statistic cutoff used to identify probes as being in a DMR } \item{sortBy}{ sort column for the DMR table. "area" or "ttarea" } \item{\dots}{ further options to be passed to methp } } \details{ This function finds differentially methylated regions (DMRs). The sortby parameter can be used to sort the DMR by area (# probes x length), or t-statistic area (# probes x t-statistic) } \value{ A list with \item{tabs}{A list of DMR tables, one per comparison with columns: \describe{ \item{start}{start of DMR (bp)} \item{end}{end of DMR (bp)} \item{p1}{average percentage methylation of all probes between start and end for group 1} \item{p2}{average percentage methylation of all probes between start and end for group 2} \item{regionName}{name of the tiling region in which the DMR is found (These names come from the NDF file)} \item{indexStart}{index of first probe in DMR} \item{indexEnd}{index of last probe in DMR} \item{area}{(indexEnd-indexStart) x (p1-p2), i.e. length x average difference} \item{ttarea}{(indexEnd-indexStart) x (average probe level t-stat for between group difference)} } } \item{p}{A matrix of percentage methylation estimates (NOTE: the probe order may differ from that of the input p matrix since probes are sorted into chromosomal order)} \item{l}{This contains methylation log-ratios if they were passed to the function. Otherwise it contains logit-transformed percentage methylation estimates} \item{chr }{a vector of chromosomes corresponding to the rows of p and l} \item{pos }{a vector of positions} \item{pns }{a vector of probe region names} \item{controlIndex }{a vector of control probe indices} \item{gm }{Group medians of the l matrix} \item{groups }{a vector of group labels} \item{args }{the DMR finder parameter vector} \item{comps }{the vector of pairwise group comparisons} \item{package }{the array annotation package name} } \author{ Martin Aryee , Peter Murakami, Rafael Irizarry } \seealso{ \code{\link{readCharm}}, \code{\link{methp}}, \code{\link{dmrFdr}} } \examples{ # See dmrFdr }