\name{SGOL-class} \docType{class} \alias{SGOL} \alias{SGOL-class} \alias{gol} \alias{gol,SGOL-method} \alias{method,SGOL-method} \alias{plot} \alias{plot,methods} \alias{plot,ANY-method} \alias{plot,SGOL-method} \alias{plot,SGOL,ANY-method} \alias{threshold,SGOL-method} \title{Class "SGOL" reprents segments of gain or loss across samples} \description{Segments of gains or losses along chromosomes can be calculated based on segmentation data derived from the segment function of the DNAcopy package} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("SGOL", ...)} or using a constructor SGOL. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{gol}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} holding the gain or loss data for chromosomal segments } \item{\code{threshold}:}{Object of class \code{"vector"} of length 2 indicating the lower and upper thresholds below/over which data points will be included in the calculation of SGOL score using the method defined by method} \item{\code{method}:}{Object of class \code{"function"} giving the method used to calculate SGOL scores. Common methods include sum, median, and mean} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{gol}{\code{signature(object = "SGOL")}: extracts SGOL scores} \item{method}{\code{signature(object = "SGOL")}: gets the name of the function used to calculate the SGOL scores} \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "SGOL", y = "ANY",...)}: plots the data} \item{threshold}{\code{signature(object = "SGOL")}: gets the thredhold used for the calculation} } } \references{The SGOL score is a modified version of the GISTIC score published in PNAS 104: 20007-20012} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \note{} \examples{ showClass("SGOL") require(CNTools) } \keyword{classes}