\name{writeTab} \alias{writeTab} \alias{writeTab,cellHTS-method} \title{Write the data from a cellHTS object to a tab-delimited file} \description{ Write the data from a \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}} object to a tab-delimited file. } \usage{ \S4method{writeTab}{cellHTS}(object, file=paste(name(object), "txt", sep=".")) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a \code{cellHTS} object.} \item{file}{the name of the output file.} } \details{ This function is a wrapper for function \code{\link{write.table}} to write the contents of \code{assayData} slot of a \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}} object to a tab-delimited file. If the object is already annotated, the probe information (\code{fData(object)@GeneID}) is also added. } \value{ The name of the file that was written. } \seealso{\code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}}} \author{Wolfgang Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}, Ligia P. Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(KcViabSmall) writeTab(KcViabSmall, file=tempfile()) } \keyword{manip}