\name{oneRowPerId} \alias{oneRowPerId} \title{Rearrange dataframe entries such that there is exactly one row per ID.} \description{ Rearrange dataframe entries such that there is exactly one row per ID. The IDs are taken from the argument \code{ids} and are matched against the first column of \code{x}. If an ID is missing in \code{x[,1]}, a row with \code{NA} values is inserted. If an ID occurs multiple times in \code{x[,1]}, rows are collapsed into characters of comma-separated values. } \usage{ oneRowPerId(x, ids) } \arguments{ \item{x}{dataframe.} \item{ids}{character vector.} } \value{A dataframe whose rows correspond 1:1 to \code{ids}.} \author{W. Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}, Ligia Pedroso Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ x = data.frame(ids=I(c("a", "a", "c")), val=11:13) oneRowPerId(x, letters[1:3]) } \keyword{manip}