\name{gseaModule} \alias{gseaModule} \alias{length,GeneSet-method} \title{ Constructor for an object of class gseaModule } \description{ gseaModule objects encapsulate all the information that is necessary to add the results of a gene set enrichment analysis to a cellHTS report. This feature is still experimental } \usage{ gseaModule(geneSets, statFuns, scores, annotation) } \arguments{ \item{geneSets}{An object of class \code{\link[GSEABase:GeneSetCollection-class]{GeneSetCollection}} containing the information about gene sets for which to perform the analysis.} \item{statFuns}{A list of functions to compute per gene set statistics. These will be called by \code{\link[Category:applyByCategory]{applyByCategory}} and need to be able to handle two mandatory arguments: \code{x} are the scores for the respective category, and \code{y} are all scores of the whole assay. This allows for statistics like \code{t.test(x,y)}.} \item{scores}{An optional numeric vector of assay scores. This should be extended to also handle numeric matrices for multi-channel assays. } \item{annotation}{A \code{data.frame} with additional annotation for the repsective gene sets.} } \details{ The resulting gseaModule object can be supplied as an additional argument to \code{\link{writeReport}}. This feature is still experimental. } \value{ An object of class gseaModule. } \author{ Florian Hahne }