\name{getEnVisionRawData} \alias{getEnVisionRawData} \alias{getEnVisionCrosstalkCorrectedData} \title{Read a plate file obtain from EnVision Plate Reader} \description{ Import functions to read a plate file obtained from EnVision Plate Reader. These functions should be set as the import function of \code{\link[cellHTS2:readPlateList]{readPlateList}} through the argument \code{importFun} when reading plate result files obtained from EnVision plate reader. } \usage{ getEnVisionRawData(f, p) getEnVisionCrosstalkCorrectedData(f, p) } \arguments{ \item{f}{the name of the result plate file to read.} \item{p}{capturing the additional path argument, which will actually be ignored. \code{f} is expected to be a fully resolved file path.} } \details{ These functions should not be called directly. Instead, they should be set as the import function of \code{\link[cellHTS2]{readPlateList}} through the argument \code{importFun} when reading plate result files obtained from an EnVision plate reader. } \value{ These functions return a list with two components. The first component should be a 'data.frame' with the following slots: \code{well} (a character vector with the well identifier in the plate) and \code{val} (the intensity values measured at each well). The second component of this list should be a character vector containing a copy of the imported input data file (such as the output of \code{\link[base:readLines]{readLines}}). It should be suitable to be used as input for \code{\link[base:writeLines]{writeLines}}. %, since it will be used to reproduce the intensity files that are %linked in the HTML quality reports generated by %\code{\link[cellHTS:writeReport]{writeReport}}. } \author{Ligia Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \seealso{ \code{\link[cellHTS2]{readPlateList}} } \examples{ plateFile <- system.file("EnVisionExample/XXX_1500.csv", package = "cellHTS2") onePlate <- getEnVisionRawData(plateFile) ## to get the cross talk corrected data: onePlate2 <- getEnVisionCrosstalkCorrectedData(plateFile) } \keyword{manip}